Friday, June 25, 2010

Making a Wedding Speech - Ideas on Where to Start

Firstly congratulations on being asked to make a wedding speech. It is a great honor however can be daunting even for practised public speakers! So where do you start in writing your wedding speech?

Depending on your relationship to those getting married you will have a different perspective, if you are the groom, the father of the bride or the best man, however you have one thing in common - the people at the wedding want YOU to share your thoughts.

So where do you start?

Start by introducing your relationship ["the lucky groom", "the loving father", "the best friend"] and how long you have known the bride/couple.

Share your initial thoughts ["I knew she was going to grow up to be beautiful", "I fell in love with her smile", "I knew that Dave was smitten from the start"].

As the bride and grooms relationship progressed what were your thoughts ["it was great that we have a new son to welcome to the family - one that is so good at DIY", "It was lovely to have Sarah join us at football", "I knew she was the one for me when she first cooked home made lasagne"]

Share an experience [appropriately] that exposes your feelings ["Seeing the love in her eyes tells me Dave is the one for her", "When I see Dave with Sarah they are such a perfect couple", "Waking up with Sarah makes the sunshine all day"]

Share some jokes or funny stories that apply to the bride and groom. You can get help with sharing appropriate jokes. Thank the relevant people who have been involved eg the bridesmaids.

End with toast to the happy couple.

Good luck with starting to write your wedding speech.

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